"So, when are you gonna settle down?" I heard my friends ask me. Well, to be frank, this is not the first time somebody ask me this kind of question. I've grown accustom to sound of it. Heard it in family gathering, old friends reunion and small group family dinner. The exact words might vary but the ultimate curiosity of these well-meaning friends and family is...they wanna know when will I decide to 'settle down'.
What is this idea of settling down? To get married, have kids, start a family...?
It is as if by being single would mean that you haven't got there yet. That you are still somewhere there up in the ozone.
Seems like life is not complete yet, like you have not live your life... NOT COMPLETE ...yet.
Uhhh...I could not shake this thought. So bothering me!
Does it mean, as long as you are not married - you only live half way of the portion of joy, enthusiasm, exuberant life you suppose to have?
To be honest - I feel quite satisfied with my singleness. I'm not lacking anything. God supply me with all the joy I need. If I do get married one day, it won't be for the reason of fulfilling the emptiness in the heart, NOPE!
Because being single with the Lord, with friends and family that love me - I'm quite full. My cup runs over with passion and joy. I'm excited of being me - being the single woman I am, the person I am, created in the image of God, to do the good works according to His great pleasures.
(behind the steering wheel on a hot, dusty Saturday)
Yeap! It's so true! To get married and have children is not the ultimate purpose of human existence. It is an option. Not an ultimate.
"If I do get married one day, it won't be for the reason of fulfilling the emptiness in the heart, NOPE!"
Yesh, because your heart is not empty, right? So, if you do get married one day, what would be the reason, then? :) (just asking)
Anyway, I like the photo! :D
If I do get married one day, it would be for a combine force, creativity, power, uniqueness ...all to fulfill His mandate, to establish a legacy...ah, I better write about this :)
Yeah, yeah, write about it! Look forward to reading it! :D
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