On a rainy Friday,
"We really shopped today huh?" I said to her , looking at the shoe boxes and the other plastic bags. There were great sales today at Fladeo and Yongki. She smiled at me and said, "So, what did you call all those visit you made to the bookstores last week, the week before and the week before that? I saw you came out with plastic bags, with books in it!"
Well, to be honest, I won't call "that" shopping! :) Walking out with books from the bookstores I visit seems natural for me. I call that researching...
I shop for books everywhere. Bookstores in the airport, hospitals, hotels, malls... secondhand bookstores, even in a thrift stores in the suburb of America. Every time I go overseas, I would always hunt for the bookstores in that city. So, me and books... we are buddies for life...
And I don't consider that shopping.
Until it downed on me today!!
How can i not consider buying books as shopping... and getting a pair of FLADEO shoes as big time shopping?
..and why do I feel the same too? I consider ngeborong buku is not shopping. Belanja is something related to shoes, and clothes, and bags, and other non-book stuff.
Hm, let me see...
Shopping, definition:
Verb | shop•ping. |ˈʃɑpɪŋ|
[intrans.] go to a store or stores to buy goods, e.g: shoes, clothes, and other branded stuff.
So, conclution:
Books are not goods. They are assets. So buying books is not shopping. Books are not goods. So, buying books is not shopping.
Hm, I agree with you. :D
SETUJU...buku adalah aset. Jadi membeli buku adalah INVESTASI!!! Horeeee...I'll use this terminology for those that always complain when they see me taking too much time in the bookstores and carrying books when I leave the bookstores. I'm not shopping...I'm INVESTING...!!!
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