Well, all that painful experiences led me to a searching season. What I mean by searching season is, I tried to find solution for my growing body weight. (sebenernya alasan lain adalah, aku gak mau beli baju lagi...sayang duitnya, mending beli buku...hehehehe).
Here's what happened to me...
One day, a close friend of mine went with me to see a movie. Then out of the blue she said that she is on 'detox', so she will only eat fruits. Wow... aku melongo! So, bagaimana dong...masa aku musti makan sendiri? Hmmm... Anyway, she inspired me to do detox as well, to reduce the carbo in take and change my menu to only fruits, veggie and water. She pull the trigger...I would say ;)
Then another friend lend me a teaching series Eat and Stay Thin and 12 Reasons Why People Overeat by Joyce Meyer - which has revolutionized my whole idea of eating.
I found some interesting facts:
1. My brain is having problem recording the fact that I am actually full if I have my lunch during meeting time. Also if I have my lunch while working with my laptop or reading reports. Nah..ini dia nih problemnya... no wonder my brain always send red alert that I'm hungry around 3pm or 4pm.
2. My brain will also have problem recording if I eat too fast. This is so true. Biasanya kalau makan bereng team, pasti aku selalu ketinggalan. Entah aku atau mereka yang mulai makan duluan, selalu aku yg paling telat. Beberapa kali aku mencoba untuk makan lebih cepat... Alhasil, aku selalu lapar 2 jam setelahnya.
3. Joyce Meyer said, people that overeat usually do not derives pleasure from other activity. hohoho...how true it is! Sometimes, because of the stress during a constant meetings, looking at project drawings... we went out for a late lunch and comforted ourselves with food and sweets - which include ice cream as the highlight of the day...hiks... (karena abis itu harus sudah balik lagi ke meja kerja)
Then I came across this book written by Gary Smalley, Food and Love.
From him I learned that food has a strong connection with my emotion. This is something new for me. He said, "Your feeling is influenced by what you eat."
to be continued...
I've been dealing with eating issues forever!! I like to eat for boredom. That means I need to get a life!LOL
So, feeling and the choice of food are connected to each other?
Ah, jadi inget, I just learned that lying to self about what I'm eating helps me built a good feeling. My psychologist friend once said that the taste of food is just 'sugesti', thou I decline his saying, I use it when I don't feel like eating, or when the food tastes bad. So, I kinda lie to my conscious mind. :P
But, Ps, bknnya kmrn ktnya Ps kurusan makanya bs pake celana natal?
Vie, I did loose 8kg. This is the flash back :)
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