Max Lucado wrote: "Zachaeus was a wicked man. The cleanest thing he had was probably the money he took from the people. But, Jesus had time for him."
The word time stayed with me, and then like a cow chewing on and keep on chewing on its food, the realization began to sink in.
Here was this rich guy - well, he was rich from a 'dirty job' he was doing for the Roman empire. He had devoted all his energy chasing after this thing called 'money' that he thought was the highest currency of all. He was small in stature and the Bible didn't tell us whether his family was joining him during the great look out that day.
What amazed me is, when Jesus came near, without any restrain and hesitation, He stopped right in front of that sycamore tree and look up...
Now, how could this be if it is not being 'pre-arranged' by God??
I always marvel with findings like this. The burning bush, the wells (there are many great things happening by those 'wells', just outside the Jericho wall...and many more). I believe God has his agenda full with appointments, common meeting places where He would meet common people and then change them to be extraordinary men and women.
Then, Jesus called his name, "Zachaeus..." - ah, didn't I say so, He had it all planned. He knew it. He knew that Zachaeus would be up on that tree.
He said for Zachaeus to hurry up and come down, because that day He MUST abide at Zachaeus home. (KJV, Luke 19:5)
Wow... to come and visit is already great. To come and dine is superb. But... to come and abide?
This must not be true...or is it??
Jesus, the great healer, deliverer...the Son of God...abide ... in Zachaeus' home?
I looked up the original text and found out that the word 'abide' means 'to stay in a given place, to dwell, to continue, to endure'. (note that down, in a given place - He's not coming in by force!)
Jesus wants a permanent residence in the home of our hearts. He is not a temporary guest.
What Jesus was offering Zachaeus that precious noon day was something more valuable that the highest currency known to him. Jesus gave him His 'time'.
I used to think - even now, sometimes - that giving people 'time' is not a easy thing, especially in such a busy and hectic schedule. I mean, when you give somebody your precious 'time', it's not like you would sit idle with them. In giving people your time, I picture that you would be with them, talking, listening - umm, this is usually the hardest part - well, doing things together with them.
So, this is what Jesus did to Zachaeus on that special day. He went to Zachaues' home, sat in his living room, talking and listening to him, ate with him and his whole family. Boy, Zachaeus must have felt soooo special that day, to have somebody like Jesus spending time with him. He must have felt appreciated, accepted, loved...
The Lord spoke to me with this whole insight, ... I can always give people my money, but in giving them my time is when they would sense and feel the love I have for them. May God grace me in this area.
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